Just published!!!

Picture of a book cover with a rainbow-gradient crowd with a spotlight on a kid wearing a trans flag. The book is placed on a green background with fake plants

If You’re a Kid Like Gavin, words by Gavin Grimm & Kyle Lukoff, illustrations by me. For HarperCollins

A drawing with a mythical vibe; environment comes together in architectural hands, with two explorers at the base

D.I.Y. by John Wiswell. For Tor

Let All The Children Boogie, a short story by Sam Miller. For Tor


characters for Amplify Education


flashing lights warning on this gif


The Good Hair Day, Abrams Books. Coming 2023

If You’re A Kid Like Gavin

The Fabric Merchant's Son


Book covers & interiors

A jacket wrap of a middle grade book. On the front cover there is a portrait of a Chinese-American boy, Evan, looking at the viewer with a slight smile on his face. Behind him is a classroom, with one kid in a red jacket glaring at the front.

The Secret Battle of Evan Pao, words by Wendy Shang, design by Keirsten Geise (not pictured)

Behold! Rabbit!